WordPress Plugin: WP-Include-Posts

WordPress Plugin: WP-Include-Posts


Contributors: Thusjanthan Kubendranathan
Tags: include post
Requires at least: 1.5
Tested up to: 3.2
Stable tag: 3.2


This plugin will allow you to include contents of one post into another post by adding the text
[include id=post_id_of_another_post] into the content of the current post. You can add as many
of these includes as you’d like.


1. Extract the contents of the archive
2. Upload the contents of the wp-note folder to your ‘wp-content/plugins’ folder
3. Log in to your WordPress admin and got to the ‘Plugins’ section. You should now see WP-Include-Posts in the list of available plugins
4. Activate the plugin by clicking the ‘activate’ link
5. Now you add [include id=post_id] in your postings.


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