Today was the release of Ubuntu 11.04 alpha which is suppose to utilize the new desktop Unity over Gnome. So had to try it.
Downloaded the i386 version from ( and setup a VMWare Workstation to host the alpha version. So far it seems quite stable.
I had setup a samba server to be able to mount the linux filesystem back to my windows OS 7 so that I can easily move files back and forth. Installed VMWare tools using kernel 2.6.37-7’s source and it seems to have installed fine on VMware Workstation 7. Then I setup a Tomcat 6 server to host some basic JSP’s talking to a local MySQL server.
All seems to be fine for now. I am going to keep this around until it totally crashes on me. Talk about being at the bleeding edge of technology. I setup my dynamic dns provider to point to the apache instance and forwarded the port on my router to hit my VM machine’s tomcat instance. Then to be able to remember my DNS name I setup a subdomain ( on dreamhost to redirect to my VM’s tomcat instance. So far all seems to work fine. Natty also seems to be experimenting with Firefox 4 Beta 7.
Next up I am gonna hit it with the big guns. Going to setup an Oracle 10g server and see how it fairs. I might even deploy some sample Spring Framework projects up there.