PHP SOAP Server with Memcached queries

The new thing I wanted to try out this week was to implement a SOAP server using PHP to query against a MySQL database. I also add a memcached server to cache the query results for each SOAP call so that all queries are not hitting the database. To install a memcached server on the Ubuntu Natty setup was simple. The following command will install memcache as well as the php libraries for memcache and soap: apt-get install memcached php5-memcache php-soap

Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) – Alpha released

Today was the release of Ubuntu 11.04 alpha which is suppose to utilize the new desktop Unity over Gnome. So had to try it. Downloaded the i386 version from ( and setup a VMWare Workstation to host the alpha version. So far it seems quite stable.